6 Important Study Habits For University Students


Written by Amanda Longhenry

1. Review Your Notes After Class

It might be easy to convince yourself that your class’s material is “common sense” or “simple” because it looked straightforward enough during the lecture. However, going to class does not mean you understand the material. Many lecture examples are merely foundational examples of the content and rarely go as in depth as you are tested on. Therefore, reviewing your notes after class is super essential to the learning process!

After class, students should return to their notes for a more in-depth analysis. During your review, it can be helpful to write down questions about the content so that you don’t forget to ask them later. Equally important, highlight essential topics that are foundational to the content. Additionally, you can summarize chapters to reinforce the content as well as provide a quick overview of your notes.

2. Exercise

Exercise? Absolutely! Exercise is just as important for your physical health as it is for your mental health. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and boost your mood by increasing the production of endorphins in your brain, which are natural stress-relievers. While at times it might seem hard to fit it into a busy schedule, exercise is an important (and free!) way to relieve the typical university stress that we all have to deal with. Relieving stress is important to avoid burnout - which is common amongst students. Additionally, exercise may improve sleep quality, which is an essential part of productivity. 

3. Use A Planner & Set Studying Goals

In university, time management is significantly more difficult than when we were in secondary school. Assignment and exam dates can be easy to forget, especially when there are so, so many. Therefore, buying a planner is key to organizing your assignment due dates, exam dates, studying goals, and extracurricular activities.

Having a clear picture of your schedule can help you prioritize specific tasks, set aside enough time for studying, and stop procrastinating! Additionally, you can set long-term and short-term goals, such as allocating reasonable time to complete a large project or reserve time specifically for studying. Creating study goals will provide you with the steps to complete your long-term goals. 

4. Separate Relaxation Areas From Productive Areas

This tip is for all of you studying from your bed! There are numerous reasons why it is important to separate the areas where you study from the areas where you sleep, eat and relax. Separation of work and play is important for your brain since your brain associates different areas for different purposes. For example, your brain associates certain areas with relaxation, such as your bed and bedroom. Therefore, when you try to study in these areas, you may find it more difficult to focus. Conversely, if you start to study in areas meant for relaxation, you may find it difficult to relax in these areas in the future due to your brain associating these areas with focus and productivity. This could affect your ability to sleep which is important for future productivity. Separating these areas will help to boost your productivity and make your relaxation worth the wait!

5. Begin Reviewing For Final Exams Early

While I know it can be hard to pick up that pen and paper and start early, waiting until the last minute to review for your finals is no good! Many students begin studying for finals when the final examination period begins. This forces you to cram a lot of studying each day. Instead, begin studying for your final around a month in advance. This ensures that once you enter the final examination period, you can use this time to focus on the last few chapters rather than trying to master all the chapters for every course in just a few weeks. This will enable you to thoroughly dissect the content and deeply understand the content to a complex level by the time of your exam. Get that grade you always deserved!

6. Seek Help

Seeking help may be intimidating, especially for newly entering undergraduates, but it can be a key to success that many people miss out on. It is important to take advantage of the resources available whether it may be office hours, teaching assistant availability, or labs. Falling behind can severely damage a students’ ability to learn the content, so seeking assistance and staying current with the content is imperative. 

However, sometimes the resources available are just not enough, and that’s okay! Everyone learns differently and at their own pace. If you’re finding it difficult to understand the content, seeking private help such as tutoring, may be a huge benefit to you! The TUEX app is perfect for university students that have busy schedules and looking for professional tutoring on a budget! TUEX has a wide range of tutors that have varying price ranges and credentials making it easy to find a tutor that will meet your needs all while fitting your busy schedule. Don’t be afraid to seek help when you need it.


Mayo Clinic Staff. (2022, August 3). Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress? Mayo Clinic. Retrieved May 23, 2023, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/exercise-and-stress/art-20044469

Pinto, C. (2017, November 8, 2017). Don’t Study in Bed. Pepperdine Graphic Media. Retrieved May 24, 2023.